As our telescopes grow more powerful, astronomers are uncovering objects that defy conventional wisdom. The latest example is the discovery of a planet-like object circling a brown dwarf. It's the right size for a planet, estimated to be 5-10 times the mass of Jupiter. But the object formed in less than 1 million years -- the approximate age of the brown dwarf -- and much faster than the predicted time it takes to build planets according to some theories.


Kamen Todorov of Penn State University and co-investigators used the keen eyesight of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Gemini Observatory to directly image the companion of the brown dwarf, which was uncovered in a survey of 32 young brown dwarfs in the Taurus star-forming region. Brown dwarfs are objects that typically are tens of times the mass of Jupiter and are too small to sustain nuclear fusion to shine as stars do.

賓夕法尼亞州立大學的Kamen Todorov和同事們用哈伯望遠鏡的窄角視野觀察(ps1),再配合雙子座天文台(ps2)對這顆伴星取得的直接影像來做研究(雙子座天文台已經在金牛座的恆星育成地區發現32顆年輕的褐矮星)。褐矮星通常是質量為木星數十倍的天體,但其質量依然不足以引發核心核融合而像一般星星一樣閃耀。

The mystery object orbits the nearby brown dwarf at a separation of approximately 2.25 billion miles (3.6 billion kilometers -- which is between the distances of Saturn and Uranus from the Sun). The team's research is being published in an upcoming issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

這顆神秘的天體環繞褐矮星的軌道約22.5億英里(36億公里--也就是以太陽系來說在土星和天王星之間)。這個團隊的研究將會公開於The Astrophysical Journal(一本期刊)的"即將發表"文章裡。

There has been a lot of discussion in the context of the Pluto debate over how small an object can be and still be called a planet. This new observation addresses the question at the other end of the size spectrum: How small can an object be and still be a brown dwarf rather than a planet? This new companion is within the range of masses observed for planets around stars -- less than 15 Jupiter masses. But should it be called a planet? The answer is strongly connected to the mechanism by which the companion most likely formed.


There are three possible formation scenarios: Dust in a circumstellar disk slowly agglomerates to form a rocky planet 10 times larger than Earth, which then accumulates a large gaseous envelope; a lump of gas in the disk quickly collapses to form an object the size of a gas giant planet; or, rather than forming in a disk, a companion forms directly from the collapse of the vast cloud of gas and dust in the same manner as a star (or brown dwarf).


If the last scenario is correct, then this discovery demonstrates that planetary-mass bodies can be made through the same mechanism that builds stars. This is the likely solution because the companion is too young to have formed by the first scenario, which is very slow. The second mechanism occurs rapidly, but the disk around the central brown dwarf probably did not contain enough material to make an object with a mass of 5-10 Jupiter masses.


"The most interesting implication of this result is that it shows that the process that makes binary stars extends all the way down to planetary masses. So it appears that nature is able to make planetary-mass companions through two very different mechanisms," says team member Kevin Luhman of the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University. If the mystery companion formed through cloud collapse and fragmentation, as stellar binary systems do, then it is not a planet by definition because planets build up inside disks.

"這個結論最有意思的地方是他說明了一件事,雙星系統的形成過程可以延伸到行星質量大小的範圍。所以大自然可以用兩種完全不同的方法做出一顆行星質量的天體。"Kelvin Luhman這樣說到,Luhman是Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University的團隊成員之一。若這顆神秘的變星真的是從雲氣中塌陷而成,就像雙星系統一樣,那它就不是一顆從星周盤中被做出來的普通行星。(ps4)

The mass of the companion is estimated by comparing its brightness to the luminosities predicted by theoretical evolutionary models for objects at various masses for an age of 1 millon years.


Further supporting evidence comes from the presence of a very nearby binary system that contains a small red star and a brown dwarf. Luhman thinks that all four objects may have formed in the same cloud collapse, making this in actuality a quadruple system. "The configuration closely resembles quadruple star systems, suggesting that all of its components formed like stars," says Luhman.




冥王星因為沒有第三點的能力,而與穀神星(Ceres)、齊娜(2003 UB313)並列為太陽系之"矮行星"



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